Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Success - Using Body Language

NMC Mortgage Network
Using the Right Body Language for Success

Date of Podcast: January 30, 2007

Topic of Podcast: Using body language in your presentation

Speakers: Michelle Rosado

Comments: Success starts with appearance. Michelle Rosado is a 911 Survivor turned motivational speaker. She talks about the importance of body language in business, and how to give yourself more power in your career.

This podcast was sponsored by: www.nmcbusiness.com


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

NMC Mortgage Network
New Technology & Attracting the Right People Into Your Business

Date of Podcast: January 23, 2007

Topic of Podcast: Business Updates & The Law of Attraction

Speakers: Randy & Michelle Rosado

Comments: NMC has all of the tools in place to make you successful, and it's now up to you. Michelle's powerful Podcast will show you to attract the right team to create wealth and success for you and your family.

This podcast was sponsored by: www.nmcbusiness.com


Friday, January 19, 2007

NMC Podcast - Teamwork is the Key to Success

NMC Mortgage Network
Leadership and Teamwork

Date of Podcast: January 19, 2007

Topic of Podcast: Teamwork and Powerful Leadership are the Keys to Success

Speakers: Randy Rosado

Comments: Teamwork is the key to success in business. In this powerful podcast, Randy discusses Jamie Foxx, Ray Charles, and Muhammed Ali and their ability to overcome advisity on their road to success during this acknowledgement of Black History Month.

This podcast was sponsored by: www.nmcbusiness.com


Tuesday, January 9, 2007

NMC Mortgage Network
Home-Based Business

Date of Podcast: January 9, 2007

Topic of Podcast: NMC, A Powerful Home-Based Business Opportunity in Mortgages

Speakers: Randy & Michelle Rosado

Comments: Business Opportunity with NMC Mortgage Network. This is a home-based business in the Multi-Trillion Dollar Mortgage Industry. Make a Decision to change your life today!

This podcast was sponsored by: www.nmcbusiness.com
